Prosciutto Makers since 1919

Stabilimento Fontana del 1926Stabilimento Fontana oggi

Prosciutto Attilio Fontana was born in 1919 in Montagnana, in the heart of the fertile Po Valley between the Adige River and the Euganean Hills. This is the place of origin of the master prosciutto makers who created a craft handed down from one generation to another. Since 1919, Attilio Fontana has produced the prosciutto which today has become the Prosciutto Veneto Berico Euganeo, as certified by DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) in 1996. 

Thanks to the weather conditions, temperatures and geographical area, and its characteristic maturing period, prosciutto Attilio Fontana has a unique flavour, delicate and sweet. Taste it finely sliced if you want to fully enjoy all its qualities – it will melt in the mouth, and its distinctive low salinity will make you savour all its aromas and delicate flavour.

Attilio Fontana has always selected pig legs coming from the Po Valley, a farming area of the best pig breeds. The legs are then salted, and their slow maturation will give the prosciutto that unique aroma… the aroma of prosciutto Attilio Fontana!

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E oggi sono… 98!!

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